
  • Web Development

Mentors :

  • Jaswanth Naidu

  • Kajal(200050056)

Mentees :

  • 6

Through this project, you will learn about Full Stack Web Development, right from the basics (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript) to the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS and React ChartJS frameworks). Initially you will be working on some mini projects and then start our major project. In our project we will create a website for cricket, where we can see all the information about the cricket matches, match summary, player information statistics, venue statistics etc. If time permits you can add features such as adding new venues, start a new match, add score ball by ball etc.Mentees can attempt hosting the final app (possibly via Heroku) depending on their progress and interest.
NodeJS :-
Express Framework :-
PostgreSQL :-
ReactJS :-
React ChartJS :-"
Prerequisite: Basic programming techniques (CS101 will be sufficient) Experience in JavaScript or in general Web Development would be an advantage(Soft Prerequisite).

Tentative Timeline :

Week Work
Week 1 Learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript
Week 2 Working on Mini Projects like To-Do list
Week 3 Start learning NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Redux
Week 4 Starting our major project Cricbuzz app and connecting it to the PostgreSQL database
Week 5-6 Adding features like Match info, score comparisions, Match Summary, Player info statictics etc, Implement react and redux in the frontend and design all the pages interactively using react-bootstrap and chartjs
Week 7-8 Adding additional features and Debugging